Sunday, September 15, 2024

Prog-Rock Destroyer

Jonah Ray Rodrigues is back in another horror flick: Destroy All Neighbors (2024).

He plays a prog-rock musician who is toiling over a planned record in the bedroom studio of his crappy apartment. but his loud new neighbor is destroying his concentration, playing EDM, banging on the walls and screaming. Rodrigues doesn't want a confrontation, but he finally pounds (taps) on the wall. His neighbor shuts up, but appears at the door - we see him through the peephole. He's a hideous troll-like old man, who hawks a loogie on the door. Under all the makeup, he's played by Alex Winter.

Jonah calls the police, but when they show up they find the neighbor having tea with Jonah's girlfriend. He has come over to apologize, and is charming to everyone. He promises to keep the music down, but behind everyone's back, gives Jonah the throat cutting gesture.

Jonah's day job is as studio engineer. He gets harassed in the parking lot by a drunk, and harassed in the studio by the musician he's working with, who gets him fired. When he comes home to Winter blasting the EDM, he finally works up the nerve to go over and confront him. Winter mocks him, tries to get him to dance, tries to get him to fight, and in the confusion, beheads himself. Cue Jonah going to YouTube - "How to get rid of a body." He winds up with a dismembered corpse, who unfortunately comes to life.

And this isn't the last body he will wind up with - all of them mysteriously re-animated. 

Rodrigues is kind of playing his usual nerdy character, but a little more spineless, a little less self-aware. He is obsessed with a prog-rock Youtube bass player, who advises that if people like and understand your music, you're doing it wrong. He has nothing but contempt and pity for anything non-prog. It's a little frustrating at first, because he's so unlikable, but then the killing starts. 

Not the scariest or funniest horror-comedy we've seen, but a fun low-budget B-movie. 

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