Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Ms. Spenser asked for a spooky movie, and I had The Lodgers (2017) in one of my watchlists. It seemed perfect: a spooky house, old-timey setting, some mysterious monsters... Well.

Twins Charlotte Vega and Bill Milner live alone in an old run-down mansion. We learn through a nursery rhyme that the three rules of their lives are: Never leave the house after midnight, never admit a stranger to the house, and never leave each other alone. But Vega is clearly chafing at these restrictions. She stays out late and gets chased home by vague creatures. Milner is more timid, also pale, neurotic and neurasthenic. He begs Vega to be careful, to follow the rules, and not leave him alone.

When Vega goes into town, the rough men there bully her, but one-legged war veteran Eugene Simon comes to save her, and they begin to become close. She begins to hope that he will take her away from the cursed house. 

Since we find out early on that their parents were twins as well, and killed themselves, it's pretty easy to guess the nature of the curse. 

The monsters, or "lodgers" who enforce the curse are a little less clear. There is a bit of oily fluid that drips upwards, and some glimpses of bony monsters. I don't actually see them lodging much, but maybe I just don't get it.

Also, I fell asleep. This happens a lot, so it's really no judgement on the movie. But it did move pretty slow. Ms. Spenser reported that the ending was icky and disgusting, and not in a good way. It did have a nice atmosphere of corruption, but that was about it. big disappointment. 

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