Thursday, July 7, 2022

Retirement Mode

Sorry for the bit of delay in posting. I was a bit busy at work, and then… I retired. You’d think that would leave me more time to post, but I haven’t sobered up yet. Just kidding, I never wrote these sober. No, the main issue is that I turned in my work laptop and haven’t felt like typing on my tablet. 

But for you, my public, I will. 

I also don’t expect to be watching a lot more movies in my free time.  There’s only so many movies I can stand in a week. But we’ll see - maybe I’m stronger than I think. Or maybe I’ll just stop blogging. I am retired, you know.

1 comment:

Tommy T said...

Please don't stop blogging just yet, Spenser.
I understand the urge (I'm currently trying to stop myself from blogging 15 years at First Draft), but please hang on a little longer. Just finished reading your entire output, and am hungry for more. Thanks for not over-thinking and giving us your candid reviews!