Sunday, July 10, 2022

Dimension X

I haven’t been very good about keeping Ms Spenser supplied with horror movies, so I ordered up Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015). I think she’s about done with this franchise. 

It starts with a bit of found footage of something horrible (possibly part of the lore?). Then we meet our protags: a mom and dad and daughter, along with dad’s slightly messed-up brother and wife’s best friend (who will not get romantically involved with brother). The kid is found to have an imaginary friend named Tobi, and the dad finds a box of tapes and a clunky old video camera.  

Dad and bro watch the tapes, which include some funky stuff, including a private sex tape interrupted by… something. It also shows two little girls being groomed by some kind of evil guru. And the girls start talking about the people watching them, describing dad and bro in the present day. Dad also discovers that the camera can record spirit being that they can’t see with the bare eyes. 

And so on. The kid gets weird, an ineffectual priest is called in, etc. You know the drill. Once again the problem seems to be no likable characters - you just hope everyone gets killed. I did like the magic spirit camera - added something to the franchise. 

So I still owe Ms Spenser a horror movie. 

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