Saturday, July 13, 2024

Oh God 2

Just picking up Chinese wuxia movies at random, I watched God of War 2 (2020). I might or might not have already watched God of War 1. I might have even already watched this one. It's pretty off the wall.

It stars Charles Lin, a glorious general with a mysterious background. We find out that he was a street kid captured by wizards who made him into a magical guinea pig. They fed and soaked him in all manner of poisons and medicine, to see if he could survive. The final poison did not kill him, but made him strong enough to escape. 

He wandered until he found a beautiful Yuxi Liu, an apothecary assistant. She finds the signs of experimentation on his body and helps him heal, but can't heal his mind. They fall in love, but are attacked by the wizards' army, and she goes over a cliff, letting go to prevent him for being pulled over too.

He is then brainwashed and turned over the the army, becoming a great general. But Liu survived the fall and joined the resistance to the military. Her plan is to infuse her body with poison that will be activated by sexual intercourse, killing her partner as well as herself. Then she goes to seduce the head of the army. 

But she meets Lin, and manages to restore some of his memory. To save her from the poison, he has sex with her, and absorbs the poison - he's immune due to the wizards' treatments. But I think they are all going to die anyway, because the poison treatment gives great strength but a short life. 

It's kind of hard to tell. What with the hero's multiple names and personas, the mystical poisons and the shifting allegiances, I was often pretty lost. But the movie looked good and had a ton of costumed action. Also, Lin was very sweet and lovely, if a bit of an airhead. 

So, all in all, a fine way to pass a sleepy Friday night.

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