Saturday, June 17, 2023

Neptune Crossing

Here's a weird one: Neptune Frost (2021). Afro-futurist surreal semi-musical  - I guess.

It starts in the coltan mines of Burundi. Miners with handtools work under guards with automatic weapons. One miner, called Tekno, lifts up a rock to worship the power that it holds, and is struck down and killed by a guard. His brother grieves for him and runs away from the mine that night. This brother is known as Matalusa (AKA Martyr Loser). 

At a funeral, a young man grieves for his grandmother. He is comforted by a pastor that night, and when the pastor tries to get intimate, he knocks him down and steals his money. He runs away - and at the river goes through a ritual and becomes a woman. She is Neptune Frost.

The two make their way through the country, guided by fate and visions, to a hidden commune where people greet each other "Unanimous Goldmine". There is no power there, but Neptune has magical hacker powers, and will bring this community to new places.

This is all accompanied by music, a mix of African and hip-hop. Possibly why Lin-Manuel Miranda co-produced. Honestly, I found the music only mildly interesting - YMMV. There are also mystical trash costumes - bicycle wheel halo generator hats, coats made of keycaps, etc. I found this to be very cool. 

I can't say this was a complete joy to watch, but it was intensely involving, full of intriguing details. The director Saul Williams is a poet, musician, artist and all around Afro-futurist. A lot of potential here. 

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