Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The End of the Rise

So, after months with so many movies in my queue frozen in Short Wait/Long Wait, Netflix has started parcelling them out to me, maybe one a week from the top of my list. The big one was Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2019). I can now say that I've seen all the big movies from 2019 that I wanted to see.
I mentioned at the start of the year that I wouldn't be doing a 2019 in review until I'd seen a few more of the 2019 movies. Now that I have, I still don't think I'll do that.
It starts with the classic crawl. The Emperor Pulpatine is alive! Somehow! And he has a huge fleet hidden in the Unknown Zone! And when Kylo Relly tracks him to the planet Exicle, the emperor tells him to kill Rey! Meanwhile, Rey, Chuy, a cartoon of General Organa, R2 and C3, and... I'm losing steam here.
Look, a lot of stuff happens in this movie. Characters are killed, but not too badly. The robots do some funny things. Mostly, Fink and Dameron Croe and Ray look great. They just do - this series kind of made Oscar Isaac a heart-throb star, but John Boyega and Daisy Ridley both have looks and charisma to burn. I'm sure Adam Driver is feeling pretty silly in this movie, compared to everything else he's been in. And he's been in almost every movie being made. 
I just wish we'd gotten a little more Rose, and a better send off for simulated Carrie Fisher.
Let's just wrap this up by saying I enjoyed watching this a lot, but didn't understand much and remember even less. But I sort of want to see it again. Too bad that this is the end of all Star Wars content, and there will never be any more.


Roderick Heath said...

I got a good chuckle out of this one Bev, particularly you crack about Driver being in every movie being made. Seems we had, all in all, similar experiences.

Beveridge D. Spenser said...

It was Ms. Spenser that first noticed that Adam Driver was in every movie being made (same with Colin Farrell). She kind of couldn't stand him (possibly from his Kylo Ren turn), until she saw The Dead Don't Die.