Saturday, April 28, 2012

Film Quiz!

You really have to go over to Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule to see SISTER CLODAGH'S SUPERFICIALLY SPIRITUAL, AMBITIOUSLY AGNOSTIC LAST-RITES-OF-SPRING MOVIE QUIZ. Don't argue, just go.

I am getting my answers in pretty late. I saw the quiz about 2 hours after it went live, and there were already 5-10 answers submitted. Now, 1/2 week later, I don't know how far down the list I am. Oh well, here are my answers, and I hope I don't lose too many points for tardiness. Or if I do, I hope that Sister Clodagh will rap my knuckles with her ruler - she can do it any time!

1) Favorite movie featuring nuns
SISTER ACT! Wait, I haven't seen that. Or THE DEVILS, or BLACK NARCISSUS. We thought of BLUES BROTHERS or CHARLIE'S ANGELS II, but those nuns weren't really featured. So we're going with GIRL'S TOWN. "Ave Maria, baby!"

2) Second favorite John Frankenheimer movie
I have only seen BLACK SUNDAY and RONIN. And I prefer RONIN, so BLACK SUNDAY.

3) William Bendix or Scott Brady?
Definitely the same guy who said "Definitely the same dame."

4) What movie, real or imagined, would you stand in line six hours to see? Have you ever done so in real life?
I have camped out for concert tickets but never a movie. It would have to be something pretty special, like a showing of THE LAST WALTZ with live appearances of the ghosts of Danko, Manuel and Helm.

5) Favorite Mitchell Leisen movie
OK, I had to look this guy up. MURDER AT THE VANITIES is a sentimental favorite - our frat presented this (mostly for the "Reefer Man" number). But, look, this guy directed MIDNIGHT. This is my favorite movie in any number of categories.

6) Ann Savage or Peggy Cummins?
Ann Savage for DETOUR. We haven't seen GUN CRAZY.

7) First movie you remember seeing as a child
I saw a lot of drive-in movies from the backseat in my jammies with my parents. I remember most clearly VIVA LAS VEGAS, NIGHT OF THE IGUANA, and THE WHEELER DEALERS, a James Garner comedy about the art scene. Since that was from 1963, it must be the first. I was 7 years old. I'd love to see this again, but it isn't easy to get ahold of.

8) What moment in a movie that is not a horror movie made you want to bolt from the theater screaming?
I was able to endure the misogyny of THE DRAUGHTSMAN'S CONTRACT, but my brother never forgave me for making him sit through it.

9) Richard Widmark or Robert Mitchum?
Stab me through the heart, why don't you? How am I supposed to choose between these two?

10) Best movie Jesus
John Turturro from BIG LEBOWSKI.

11) Silliest straight horror film that you’re still fond of
BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, really only for the last scene.

12) Emily Blunt or Sally Gray?
Emily Blunt I recognize from THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, where she did some very good interpretive ballet (at least, her stand-in did). Gray, I've never heard of.

13) Favorite cinematic Biblical spectacular

14) Favorite cinematic moment of unintentional humor
OK, this is kind of embarrassing - In JULIA, the Jane Fonda-is-Lillian-Hellman movie, there is a scene where the Nazi students grab a Jew and threw him over the railing of a stairwell, killing him. But the way it is filmed, with the Nazis grabbing his arms and legs and swinging him, 1-2-alley-OOP! was so silly that I laughed out loud in the theater. Caught up in the moment, I thought it was supposed to be funny, until realized...

15) Michael Fassbender or David Farrar?
We have seen Fassbender in X-MEN: FIRST CLASS, but now that we've researched David Farrar, I want to see some of his Sexton Blake roles. Oh, pass.

16) Most effective faith-affirming movie

17) Movie that makes the best case for agnosticism

18) Favorite song and/or dance sequence from a musical
Make 'Em Laugh, Donald O'Conner. Or maybe Bill Robinson going to Beal Street in STORMY WEATHER.

19) Third favorite Howard Hawks movie
Oh, come on! Anything after BRINGING UP BABY (favorite movie of all) and HIS GIRL FRIDAY.

20) Clara Bow or Jean Harlow?
The Platinum Blonde.

21) Movie most recently seen in the theater? On DVD/Blu-ray/Streaming?
Theater: None. We don't go to the theater to watch movies.DVD: THREE MUSKETEERS - the steampunk version. Streaming: BANGKOK KNOCK-OUT - a Thai mixed martial arts extravaganza. Great action scenes spoiled by very weak plot/writing/acting/everything other than action.

22) Most unlikely good movie about religion
DOGMA is the easiest answer.

23) Phil Silvers or Red Skelton?
I was a big fan of THE RED SKELTON SHOW back in the day, but come on. Phil Silvers.

24) "Favorite" Hollywood scandal 
With question 20 in mind, the death of Jean Harlow, and the role of Christian Science therein.

25) Best religious movie (non-Christian)

26) The King of Cinema: King Vidor, King Hu or Henry King? (Thanks, Peter)
Come drink with me and King Hu.

27) Name something modern movies need to relearn how to do that American or foreign classics had down pat 
Have a plot.

28) Least favorite Federico Fellini movie
I love them all, at least the ones I've seen. I have to admit, the more pathetic films, like NIGHTS OF CABIRIA or LA STRADA are hard for me to watch, but that doesn't make them less "favorite". I would have to say AND THE SHIP SAILS ON. Just a weaker film.

29) The Three Stooges (2012) - yes or no?
I want to say no (to the hell!), but it actually looks better than expected.

30) Mary Wickes or Patsy Kelly?
Neither I not my wife recognizes Mary Wickes. Therefore my wife votes for Mary Wickes. Just kidding - we both like Patsy Kelly.

31) Best movie-related conspiracy theory
Conspiracy about a movie, or movie about a conspiracy? Or dealer's choice? How about Hearst's vendetta vs. Welles and CITIZEN KANE?

32) Your candidate for most misunderstood or misinterpreted movie
I want to say something like 1941, a favorite of ours and our hosts, but I don't think it really was misunderstood. People just don't like it that much.

33) Movie that made you question your own belief system (religious or otherwise)
CRYING GAME. Made us question everything.


le0pard13 said...

The Three Stooges was pretty good.

mr. schprock said...

I remember seeing "The Draughtman's Contract" with you, and I can still recall scenes from it, like the statue who wasn't really a statue, the draughtsman's method of drawing, the impotent husband, and so on. Didn't he kind of get it in the end?

Beveridge D. Spenser said...

So it was you, not my brother?!? I wonder what I made him watch that he hated?

Yeah, in the end they killed the draughtsman, and since it was Peter Greenway, probably ate him.

mr. schprock said...

I remember seeing something like "Babbette on the Beach," a French movie, with you and your brother. I don't think he liked that one very much.