Thursday, September 11, 2008


This was going to be a review of Best of Abbott & Costello: Vol. 3: Disc 4, which features Abbott and Costello Go to Mars and Lost in Alaska. But when we went to watch it, it turned out to be cracked. Which is annoying because we've had it at home for about a week, and I checked it, but not closely enough to detect the crack from rim to center.

Needless to say, this is an outrage that leaves us without a short, mindless movie to watch. "If I could only write, I'd write a letter to the mayor, if he could only read" - W. Kelly. Stronger inspection standards are called for. Quality assurance must be tightened!

Aw heck, just a movie. Anyways, it's a school night, we shouldn't be staying up late watching movies anyway.

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