Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hollywood Story

The story of 365 Nights in Hollywood is a simple one. A young director has fallen on hard times, reduced to teaching in a Hollywood clipjoint acting school. In walks Alice Faye, fresh from Peoria, and he begins to feel again. Then a sucker with some money shows up, and it's time to make a movie. But will the crooked president of the school, the police and his own personal demons let him finish it?

Not really much of a story. I liked it better when Steve Martin did it in Bowfinger. So I guess I'd have to say it's all about Alice Faye. She's got a great look, sweet and tough, a look like Jean Harlow's. She apparently can sing and dance, but we only get a couple of numbers from her, and none of them are anything special.

So, it all adds up to a weak backstage musical, with some musical numbers, some pathos, some romance and some comedy. Skip it, I guess.

Also featuring the work of the knock-about comic duo Mitchell and Durant. They deliver ice, they want to be actors, they throw each other around. They aren't that funny.

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