Sunday, June 7, 2009

Prince among Men and Others

We're having a kind of children's fantasy festival, so we took in Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Most satisfying.

The Pevensie kids from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe are back in Narnia, called by a blast from Lucy's hunting horn. Although only a year has past in the "real world", it centuries later in Narnia than their last visit. Narnia has been overrun by Telamarines (as in "Go Telamarines, the sailors won't believe you") and the magic creatures driven underground. The Telamrine Prince Caspian, an Inigo Montoya imitator, is sympathetic to their cause, especially as his uncle has usurped him, and he is on the run.

The heroic Pevensie's and the magic animals and dwarves all come to the rescue, but all looks lost until the deus ex leo shows up. He offers the Telamarines a chance to be ethnically cleansed from the land, which they accept. This seems a little creepy, since they seem a touch Mediterranean, rootless, and cosmopolitan (= Jews), but what the heck.

Best parts:
  • Reepacheep, the valiant rat (called Mouse by one and all), voiced by Eddie Izzard.
  • The White Witch, Tilda Swinton, back for a short cameo. Oh, how I'd missed her.
In conclusion, bring on the Dawn Treader!

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