Monday, February 18, 2008

Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

There are two types of Pink FLoyd fans: pre-Dark Side of the Moon and post. The posties think The Wall is the most awesome Floyd film. The pre faction (or "true fans") prefer Live at Pompeii.

And well they should. If you like Careful with That Axe Eugene, Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun, Echoes, and other Meddle/pre-Meddle classics, this is for you. Director Adrian Maben takes Gilmour, Waters, Mason and Wright to Pompei, sets them up in a ruined amphitheater, and lets them do their thing. He also shows them laying down tracks for the soon to be released Dark Side of the Moon in the EMI Abbey Road studios. We get a lot of close ups of the Floyd doing their thing, and some arty shots of volcanos, ruins, mosaics, and more recently added (director's cut) cheesy computer animation of space shots, etc.

There are also a bunch of "interview" segments - mostly just the guys sitting around BSing. The value here isn't hearing their views on the direction the band is taking (getting away from their druggy reputation, sticking together even though they fight a lot), their skills (the high-tech equipment doesn't play itself, you know) or their motivations for playing ("lust for money"). It's hearing their voices as they goof around in the canteen. Nick Mason's request for a piece of pie without crust ("Not a corner piece!") has been a catchphrase in our house for years.

Finally, we get to see Mademoiselle Nobs, a Russian wolfhound, accompanying Pink Floyd on a blues instrumental. The doggie's got the blues for real!

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