Monday, July 15, 2019

What It Says on the Box

We’re big fans of the “How Did This Get Made?” podcast, so of course we’re also Jason Mantzoukas fans. Since he’s the co-star of The Long Dumb Road (2018), we thought we’d give it a try. It’s your basic road trip with Tony Revolori (Grand Budapest Hotel) as the straight man and Zouks as ... Zouks.

It starts with Revolori setting out from his parents Texas home in a sensible car and a little folding money for the road. He’s heading for art school in LA, snapping pictures with a film camera along the way. His car breaks down just as Mantzoukas is getting fired from his job as a mechanic - ranting and swearing and letting everybody know just what he thinks of them. He offers to fix the car, and then cadges a ride as far as the next town, so he can take a bus to Las Vegas.

As you might guess, there is no bus stop in the next town, and so the road trip continues. Revolori is naive and sheltered, Zouks is inappropriate, and they ... bond? Kind of - but on their second night together, Revolori tries to sneak away alone, but the car won’t start. They have adventures - not the kind where the car ends up in pieces and the police and the mob are chasing them, but the kind where someone looks up a lost love from high school and gets humiliated.

In the last adventure, they meet two girls in a bar - One who has the hots for Zouks, one (Grace Gummer) who went to art school in LA. They have a magic night together and then - SPOILER - they get in a big fight and go their own ways. The end.

If you have seen Zouks on, say, Brooklyn 99, you have a pretty good idea about what he’s like here. If you like that, you’ll probably like this.

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