Saturday, January 5, 2013

Moonrise Matinee

Happy New Year! I may or may not do a wrap-up for 2012, but if I do, I will certainly include Moonrise Kingdom, as the last film I watched in 2012, and maybe the best.

Made in 2012 by Wes Anderson, it is the fable of the small New England island of New Penzance, ca. 1962. A 12-year old boy and girl run away, her from home, him from scout camp. In the island wilderness, they settle down to live together for as long as the world will allow. But a storm is brewing.

Three things:
  • As usual for Wes Anderson, Moonrise Kingdom is visually striking and beautiful. It is full of bright colors, symmetrical compositions and just plain scenic nature.
  • The story is a sweet, sentimental and true, also as usual. The two kids are smart, sweet, troubled and committed to finding their own way in the crazy world.
  • And what a crazy world it was, way back in the 60s. So dangerous - kids built treehouses, rode motorbikes and played with fireworks, long knives and axes. Yet the only boy with an eyepatch is called Lazy Eye - he didn't put it out with the BB gun after all!
The adult cast is great: Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Bruce Willis, Bob Ballaban, Tilda Swinton, Ed Norton, etc. But they never outshine the kids at the center of the story. Kara Hayward is mod and sophisticated with her eyeshadow and miniskirts, looking older than her (actual) 12 years. Jared Gilman is looks so serious and thoughtful in his round glass, but he never looks adult, even smoking his corncob pipe. Great to see such young talents.

Beautiful, sweet and thought-provoking. I left out funny, but there's a lot to laugh at here. A great movie and a great way to end 2012.

In conclusion, the first movie I've ever gotten from Redbox. Just thought I'd mention.

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