Sunday, July 5, 2009

Snake Plisken? I Thought You Were ...Taller

Escape from L.A. is another one of those "what do you need to say" movies. If you liked Escape from New York, you'll want to watch this.

An earthquake has turned L.A. into an island, and the conservative, moralistic, totalitarian president has turned it into a prison for dissidents - from which no one returns! Now, the president's daughter has hijacked a dangerous MacGuffin and run off to this hellhole to be with her Che-like South American revolutionary lover, Cuervo Jones. Who you gonna call? Snake Plissken.

So we get Kurt Russell's iconic Snake vs. assorted post-apocalyptic punk rockers and revolutionaries, plus a few friends. - SPOILER - kind of:
  • Peter Fonda as an aging surfer dude
  • Steve Buscemi as the slimeball Map to the Stars Eddie
  • Pam Grier as Hershe - I won't spoil that one
So we get the usual fights, a basketball game to the death, and Snake and Fonda surfing a tsunami up Hollywood Blvd. Everything we love about Sanke Plissken.

I just thought he was ... taller.

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