Friday, April 10, 2009

Don't Bother

Speaking of Watch Instantly, that's what we did with Don't Ask, Don't Tell.To cut to the chase, it wasn't worth it.

DADT is the Peter Graves SF B-movie Killers from Space with a new sound track ala What's Up, Tiger Lily, plus a few interpolated scenes. The original had underground space aliens with half ping-pong balls for eyes take over the mind of rocket scientist Peter Graves. The revised version is more or less the same, but the aliens' objective is to turn the Earth gay.

A promising premise, and not altogether wasted. But let me give you an example of the humor: Graves' character's name is "Fartin".

Do not waste a DVD selection on this. Download it if you want. Watch the Film Crew's version instead, by all means,

1 comment:

Curt Fukuda said...

"Killers From Space" is definitely a foolish pleasure. I must give Peter Graves credit for keeping a straight face while talking to the bug-eyed aliens.
Well, I'm still using a PPC Mac, so I can't watch any of those Netflix Watch Instantly. I guess I'll have to borrow my wife's Windows laptop.