Saturday, February 7, 2009

Curvy Bullets

You know, I liked Wanted. So sue me. What's not to like, anyway? James McAvoy is a corporate drone recruited into a secret society of assassins by Angelina Jolie. A secret society of assassisns led by Morgan Freeman!

Because his father was secretly a member, McAvoy quickly learns all the tricks of the trade - recovery from bullet wounds in a hot wax bath, shooting people from moving trains, and most importantly, shooting bullets with some body English so that they go around corners.

Ms. Spenser got annoyed because, after a brief training montage, a pasty office worker becomes a master ninja. Look, no matter how hard you train, you won't be able to make bullets curve around corners. If you can buy that, you can buy anything.

Did I mention Angelina Jolie is in it? I don't know why I love her in action roles. She can't really move that well, and her acting range goes from birch to pine. Also, in Wanted she looks painfully thin, with pipestem arms. But she is covered in bad-ass tattoos (mostly real) and has a charming fuck-you attitude. Plus, she has a way of being too good for you, but also, available - there for you.

Morgan Freeman is shockingly underused, but gets a few good lines in. Terence Stamp is barely in it, but welcome when he's around.

The best part is the action sequences and special effects. They were more than adequate for me. Conclusion: Good (if not great) action fantasy.

1 comment:

mr. schprock said...

You know the scene when James McAvoy meets Angelina Jolie? I think it was in a supermarket or some place like that. He turns around and there she is. I half-expected him to say, "Holy shit! Angelina Jolie!"

That's what I'd say.