Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sing, Sinners

I'm not a particular fan of Frank Miller comics, but boy, did I like Sin City. It manages to film a live action version of a black and white, 2D comic book, and get it picture perfect.

Sin City takes place in (Ba)Sin City, a scummy town with filled with bad cops, do-good murderers, psychopaths and prostitutes. Those are the good guys. The heart of Sin City is Old Town, which is run by the prostitutes and the pimps and cops stay out. In one episode, this all goes wrong.

But the plot isn't the point. The point is:
  1. The awesome graphic style. Most of the movie is in inky black and shadowy white, except accents - red lips, a yellow monster. Even the blood is usually white (not sure that works).
  2. The ultraviolence. This is a rough movie - even if it is cartoon violence. Implied sexual torture and murder of little girls. Cannibalism. Arms and legs cut off and fed to dogs. Etc.
I'm pretty squeamish, but I held up all right. The fact that characters got run-over, shot, fell 3 stories, etc, and shrugged it off helped. But mostly it was that gorgeous graphic style. I praised Fantastic Four for getting the style right. It doesn't come close to this.

1 comment:

mr. schprock said...

Sin City is a solid part of the Schprock DVD library. I like how Elijah Wood has taken every un-Frodo-like part he can lay his hands on since Lord of the Rings.

The grossest part, btw, was Bruce Willis kissing Jessica Alba. I had to look away.